Tuesday 9 March 2010

Public Relations?

Hey everyone :) I'm Tim.

What is Public Relations? ( ゚д゚)
My best mate always says to me, 'PR? hmmmm... Advertising right?' (・ε・)

The answer is - NO!!

Advertising and PR are totally different!!
There are so many differences between them so I'm not gonna explain all here. Basically, when you ADVERTISE something, it is always paid for. A good example is like, you have to pay for the space when you advertise something on magazine or news papers etc. Whereas PR is not paid for. PR doesn't necessarily need any space, like word-of-mouth for instance. That's the most obvious difference between PR and advertising. huh? Wanna know more? GOOGLE IT LOL

So what do we do in uni anyways?

Oh well, we STUDY a lot lol A lot of necessary things for PR career. What I've done in the last semester and this semester are;

  1. Press Releases - How to write a good press release which may get good coverage
  2. Presentations - How to do a good presentation and deal with questions
  3. Press Conference - How to set up press conference and work as a team
  4. Essays - How to do research and write academically
Obviously these are just a piece of my work, but you can see what I've been doing roughly right?

We have a guest lecturer almost every week for PR module. Last week, we had a guest from Don't Panic - a unique free publication, for digital PR module. He was talking about Heavy Rain, latest PS3 game and its launch (which I was so excited to hear lol), and his company's current work. It's good to learn from real PR people, 'cause you can clearly see what they are doing and what your gonna be meant to do in the future.

The biggest advantage of having a guest as a lecturer is, we can have a connection. You may get a work experience at some guest lecturer's company. Unfortunately I haven't heard someone got a job in that way yet, but guest lecturers are always helpful so you may get a chance :)

Oh you wanna know more about the course? I''m way too tired so next time LOL

See ya xx

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