Sunday 9 May 2010


Hey everyone.

I just made my first YouTube clip called 'That's Why Westminster'.

I'm sorry about a high level of the noise and the bad quality. I took an individual video in reasonably good quality but through my edit stage, all the noise appeared and it turned up with a lot of noise and stuff in the end :(

I think if I wanna do it again, I should learn more editing skills and techniques for real. So yeah the video is about why people chose Uni of Westminster. They -people in the video- are all my friends and they are telling you what factors made them wanna study at Westminster.

I hope the video helps you to think of studying at Westminster.

See ya xx

Friday 7 May 2010

Pictures and Pictures and Pictures Vol. 2

Hey everyone.

I've got another pictures here.

This is my place, SU (Student Union) bar where you can get a cheap drink with your friends (1pint = £2.40). The picture was taken in the afternoon so not many people are in the frame but always after 4 or 5, the place is packed.

As you can see, you can play British pool here which cost you... around 50p? Also you can buy sandwiches and crisps at the bar so you can bring them with a drink.

This is the bar at 3pm. Now you can see it's getting busier right? 1 pint after lectures. hmmmmm. sounds AWESOME.

This is right outside of the SU bar. You can bring your food and drinks with you. It's good in summer :D

These photos below are taken in PR lectures. We had to think our PR ideas which could be used by journalists and were doing presentation after some brainstorming.

I hope these pics help you have some ideas what your will be meant to do when you start studying PR at Westminster.

See ya xx